Resource round-up for October

Friday, October 29, 2010 | 9:22 AM

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This month’s resource round-up includes a resource for free webinars geared toward non-profits, an article outlining the difference between Facebook and Twitter and the misconception of Twitter as a “social network” and an article covering the evolution of non-profit websites, citing a Google Grantee as an example and detailing the role of technology in the way that non-profit websites will evolve in time.

Maximize year-end giving
Network for Good has a long list of free non-profit webinars to offer, including one to help maximize year-end giving to non-profits.

Social media explained
Mashable discusses the differences between Facebook and Twitter as social media and dispels the myth that Twitter is a social networking tool. This is helpful information for those organizations building social media campaigns for either outlet.

How non-profit websites have evolved
Citing a Google Grantee, Mercy Corps, as an example, this article on discusses how non-profit sites have evolved from single page presences to the multi-site and media-rich environments we know today with the progression of technology.

If you come across resources that would be useful to the greater non-profit community, feel free to post it to the appropriate topic in our discussion group so that everyone can benefit. If you'd like to review previous round-ups, just click here and read through previous months' round-ups or search for "resource round-up" from the search box at the top of the page.

Posted by Jessica Vaughan, Google Grants Team